Tectonics and Evolution of the Himalaya

  • A K JAIN CSIR-Central Building Research Institute Roorkee


During the period 2011-2015, scientific investigations in the Himalaya incorporated various geological and geophysical
aspects of evolution of this mountain, including sub-surface configuration, structure and metamorphism of the Lesser
Himalaya and Himalayan Metamorphic Belt, geochemistry, magmatism, stratigraphy and paleontology of the Paleo-
Mesozoic Tethyan sedimentary cover, the Himalayan foreland basins, exhumation, paleoseismology and GPS measurements
of convergence rates. Certain remote areas of western Arunachal Pradesh in Kameng were covered for their metamorphism
and exhumation. Sm-Nd isochron plot of garnet crystals from the Lesser Himalayan Jutogh Group metamorphics provided
a mean regression age of 479.7±8.5 Ma as the timing of its crystallization during an Early Ordovician tectonometamorphic
event. High-resolution work on metamorphism of the Lesser and Higher Himalayan belts of Sikkim incorporating P-T-t
paths and geochronology of the imbricate zones of the Main Central Thrust provided better insight into their evolution.
